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Pair fonts perfectly by using the same font family, or complementary opposites.


So, how do you find the right match when you’re pairing two fonts?
Not by swiping right or left.

But I do have a few tips to help you find the perfect pair.

Opposites attract.

I pick fonts that are contrasting and complementary.
So, for example, you could pick a really bold sans-serif font and then pair it with a really light sans-serif font.

Or, alternatively you might mix serif and sans-serif together or, you know, you can pick something that’s like round and sort of match it with something tall, so that they’re kind of two voices that feel very different in your design.

If they’re too similar, it can feel a little bit uncomfortable, because you’re trying to figure out what the difference is between the fonts.

And also, making sure that the fonts have the same sort of message, so it feels really clear in your design.

In design much like in life, you want to avoid conflict.
When you pair two fonts that are similar, you can’t create contrast.

Instead of looking like they belong together, it just feels a bit off.

The easiest way to pair fonts is to use one font family.
Pick a font with different weights, like light, medium and bold, and you can create contrast and comfort, knowing your fonts were meant to be together.

Or try a super family.
What makes them so super?

These families cross classifications, but have been crafted to work together in harmony. Like Noto Sans and Noto Serif.
If you’re feeling brave, try pairing two different fonts.

Remember the saying: opposites attract!
Fonts that are opposite create contrast, not conflict.

Peer expressive with neutral, tall with short, or serif with sans serif.
Follow these tips and you’ll be well on your way to finding the perfect match.