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Dive deeper into color theory to learn about warm and cool colors, and tints and shades.


Have you ever wondered if you should use a warm or a cool color in your design?
And why are they called that anyway?

Let’s dive a little deeper into color theory and find out.

Tints and shades.

Using colors that are on other sides of the color wheel, I think.
So you got pink and blue, yellow and blue, orange and blue looking really good together.

And light colors, like pastel colors. What I find is: make sure they’re bright, don’t try to mix your colors.
If you try to make a green out of mixing blue and yellow, it can be like a kaki green. Kaki is not so good. I don’t like kaki, I like brighter colors.

A lot of the times, I get like a green and then mix white with it. Orange? Mix white with it.

Let’s return to our color wheel.
If you draw a little down the middle, you’ll separate warm colors from cool colors.

In design, warm colors are energizing and stand out. And cool colors are calming and recede.
So if there’s something you want to draw attention to in your design, making it red or yellow might do the trick.

Diving into colors beyond what we see on the wheel, we find tints and shades.
Start with a colour and make it lighter. Now, you have a tint. Start again and make it darker, now you have a shade.

Tints and shades add richness and variety to your color palette, as well as contrast.
So broaden you palette and experiment with warm and cool, tints and shades.

Your design will thank you for it.