Lesson Progress
0% Complete

If you ever get stuck, we’re here to help. In this final video, we’ll show you how to get all your questions answered. And if you want to continue studying, we’ll share all the resources Canva has to offer.


Congratulations on completing Canva 101. You should now be familiar with finding your way around Canva. That’s why this is less of an ending and more of a beginning. The best way to build your Canva confidence is to jump on in yourself and explore everything Canva has to offer.
Don’t forget, if you get confused by how to do something, there’s the handy help button, here. Type into the search field and in no time you’ll have your answer.
To learn more about design theory and skills, visit ‘learn’. Here, you’ll find courses, tutorials and even a blog full of useful tips and techniques. Our Design School is filled with upskilling courses to help you achieve your goals.
You can also begin longer courses that lead to certification. Graphic Design, Social Media, even how to hold workshops. This is a great way to learn new skills and get the documentation to prove it.
To connect with our community of Canva users, join our Design Circle Facebook group. With over 130 thousand members, it’s a great place to see how others are using Canva or receive support from the community. You’ll find discussions, guides, events, even competitions.
Finally, if you’re interested in workshops and webinars from around the globe, check out our events. You’ll be able to sign up to live events, watch past events, register for face to face workshops or receive design mentoring.
And the final, ‘final’ thing to mention is, if you can’t find what you’re looking for, reach out to us. Clicking on the little question mark at the top right will take you through to the help centre. It has a bunch of helpful articles but you can also report an issue by contacting our support team.