Ruth Miles (00:01):
Welcome to the Start A Business video series produced by the Oregon Secretary of State Corporation Division. This video series is designed to help those starting a business in Oregon, understand the steps involved and supplements the Business Express Startup Toolkit found online.
Ruth Miles (00:17):
Step six and starting a business is to understand your responsibilities as an employer. If your business isn’t going to have any employees, this video probably won’t apply to you. Being an employer, carries a lot of responsibility, and there are many requirements in place that are meant to provide a safe and positive environment for both your business and your employees. The bureau of labor and industries or BOLI for short requires employers to post information about minimum wage, equal employment, workplace safety, and certain pieces of federal information. These posters can be downloaded and printed free of charge from the BOLI website. An all in one composite poster can also be purchased from BOLI.
Ruth Miles (01:03):
When you hire new employees, you must report the new hire to the Oregon Department of Justice Division of Child Support. This information is used to collect child support payments. The website for the division of child support is on the screen. For each employee you hire a federal I-9 form must be completed to verify that the employee has the legal right to work in the United States. Information about the I-9 form can be found online. Employers should also understand the difference between an employee and an independent contractor. Federal law and state law aren’t the same when it comes to independent contractors, so it’s important to know both. Oregon’s website on independent contractors is on the screen and the federal website is Businesses are prohibited from discriminating against prospective or current employees, especially those with disabilities. To read more about the Americans with disabilities act or ADA, visit the link on the screen. If you plan to hire employees in the near future, we’d recommend reading our employers guide. It’s a comprehensive guide to hiring employees that covers everything from workers’ compensation to federal taxes. It contains a checklist of helpful information. Thanks for watching and check out our other Start a Business videos for more information.