Lesson 10 of 12
In Progress

Homework: Sample Budget

Collin Gabriel February 26, 2024

Please use the link below to make a copy of the 2023 Budget Spreadsheet to your Google Account. Please note, you only need to do this once. To access this document afterwards simply go to drive.google.com to access this document and the work you have done previously. This document will remain on your account for editing as long as you would like to use.


When you are finished please share to Your Instructor:

Lead Instructors: Roxanne Best: rbest@nwnc.org Duane Lane: dlane@nwnc.org William Lauth: william.lauth3@gmail.com

If you are unsure how to share a Google doc, you can view this tutorial here: https://support.google.com/drive/answer/2494822?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DAndroid