Lesson 9 of 12
In Progress

Homework: Executive Summary

Michel Lenihan February 26, 2024

Please copy this document to your Google Drive Folder by clicking on the link below. This will create your own Executive Summary document and you can post the link for review. Please note that you only need to copy this file once, after that, simply go to drive.google.com to find “copy of Executive Summary Tool” and access your previous work. This document will be a work in progress for the remainder of the course, and should always be attached to your Google Profile.


When you are finished please share to:

Lead Instructors:

Amanda Stubits: amandasconnect@gmail.com & William Lauth: william.lauth3@gmail.com

If you are unsure how to share a Google doc, you can view this tutorial here: https://support.google.com/drive/answer/2494822?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DAndroid