Lesson 11 of 12
In Progress

Homework: Create Linkedin Profile

Michel Lenihan February 26, 2024

For this week’s homework, please visit LinkedIn.com and create a profile for your company.

To create a Page:

  1. Click the Work icon in the upper-right corner of your LinkedIn homepage.
  2. Scroll down and click Create a Company Page  .
  3. Select the Page type:
    • Company
    • Showcase page
    • Educational institution
  4. Enter your Page identity, Company or Institution details, and Profile details information.
  5. Check the verification box to confirm that you have the right to act on behalf of the company or school.
  6. Click the Create page button.
    • If you receive a red error message, try our troubleshooting tips for creating your Page.
  7. Click Start building your page! to finish building your LinkedIn Page.