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Demystification of the Green Economy
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Week 1: The Demystification of the Green Economy
Introduction9 Topics -
Topic 1: The History of Cannabis11 Topics
Topic 2: The Current State of the Cannabis Market18 Topics
Two Markets: Marijuana and Hemp
Testing and Product Integrity
Marijuana Product Opportunities
Marijuana Flower
Marijuana Concentrates
Marijuana Edibles
Marijuana Topicals
Marijuana Transdermals and Orals
Marijuana Peripherals
Hemp Product Opportunities
Hemp Defined
Hemp Nutrition
Hemp Medical and the CB's
Hemp Textiles
Hemp Plastics
Hemp Construction
Hemp THC
You Get The Idea
Two Markets: Marijuana and Hemp
Topic 3: Business Opportunities in Cannabis8 Topics
Federal Regulations on Cannabis
Tribal Sovereignty and Cannabis
Sovereign Flex
Activity: What is Missing?
Federal Cannabis Policies
The Challenges of 280E
Rescheduling Marijuana
SAFE Banking Act
State Based Regulations
Cannabis Labeling Requirements
Cannabis Medical Qualifications
Cannabis Sales Limits
Cannabis Purchase Limits
Canabis Delivery
Cannabis Data Regulations
City Opt Out List
Cannabis Licensing
Federal Regulations on Cannabis
Topic 1: Regulatory Compliance and Licensing9 Topics
Topic 2 Business Operations and Risk Management6 Topics
Topic 3: Benchmarks and Inspiration6 Topics
Module 1 Branding and Marketing Strategies9 Topics
Module 2 Resources and Networking6 Topics
Module 3 Strategic Analysis7 Topics
Lesson Progress
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The state levies a 17 percent excise tax on cannabis sales that is paid by consumers and remitted by retailers. Local governments are also allowed to levy up to a 3 percent tax on the retail price. Legal sales began in October 2015.
OLCC-licensed marijuana retailers are required to charge a retail sales tax of 17 percent for all recreational marijuana sold. In some cases, retailers must also charge customers an additional 3 percent for Oregon localities. The Oregon Department of Revenue is collecting local marijuana taxes on behalf of many cities and counties. Read more about local taxes.