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Demystification of the Green Economy

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  1. Week 1: The Demystification of the Green Economy

    9 Topics
  2. Topic 1: The History of Cannabis
    11 Topics
  3. Topic 2: The Current State of the Cannabis Market
    18 Topics
  4. Topic 3: Business Opportunities in Cannabis
    8 Topics
    17 Topics
  6. Topic 1: Regulatory Compliance and Licensing
    9 Topics
  7. Topic 2 Business Operations and Risk Management
    6 Topics
  8. Topic 3: Benchmarks and Inspiration
    6 Topics
    3 Topics
  10. Module 1 Branding and Marketing Strategies
    9 Topics
  11. Module 2 Resources and Networking
    6 Topics
  12. Module 3 Strategic Analysis
    7 Topics
Lesson Progress
0% Complete

Now that we have developed some personas to guide our thinking, let’s try out some scenarios.

Say our “curious newcomer” decides to visit Natural Wonders. Jackson has a relatively limited floor space, and his selection is highly curated. This means he or one of his bud tenders are likely to know you and some of the practices you use to make your product. In fact it’s that reason that he is highly likely to carry it in the first place. Does your product tell a story of your Native identity or does it focus on a type of branding with high contrast colors to attract the eye. Is our “curious newcomer” going to look at your product first because of some graphic design and packaging magic? Or do one of the staff understand that your low dose THC products are a good starting point for a new customer’s journey of experimentation. It’s these internal conversations that help you think through all the ways your products and services can be successful.

Start by:

Developing Scenarios: Outline situations where each persona interacts with your business. Examples might include researching product effects, selecting a product online, or seeking guidance in-store.

Analyze Response: Consider how each persona might react to your branding, marketing, and customer service. Identify potential obstacles they might face and brainstorm ways to overcome them.

Spend some time on this, and then mark complete so that we can move on to the final task.